I try to make all my published work and materials openly accessible. If any of the links below don't work feel free to email me!
In Prep
Choi, Y.J., Jolly, E. , Smith A., Gangadharan, A.A., Hoidal, A.S. & Chang, L.J. (in prep). Balancing Guilt and Costs: The Role of Emotions and Exogenous Constraints for End-of-Life Care
Kwon, D. Jolly, E., Chang, L.J., Shim, W.M. (in prep). Neural encoding and reconstruction of social relationships.
Jolly, E., Sadhukha, S., Iqbal, M., Chen, J. & Chang, L.J. (in prep). Person memory is supported by the neural reinstatement of social interactions.
Le, K.* Jadhav, A.* & Jolly, E. (in prep). Statistical Intuitions for Social Scientists. [open course materials]
*Equal contribution
Varrier, R.S., Su, Z. Liang, Q., Benson, T. Jolly, E., & Finn, E.S. (under review). Shared and individual tuning curves for social vision. [bioRxiv preprint]
Jolly, E., Sadhukha, S., Iqbal, M., Molani, Z., Walsh, T.M., Manning, J.R., & Chang, L.J. (under revision). People are represented and remembered through their relationships with others. [psyarxiv preprint]
Gao, X., Jolly, E., Yu, H., Liu, H., Zhou, X., & Chang, L.J. (2024). The psychological, computational, and neural foundations of indebtedness. Nature Communications. [Link]
Jolly, E.*, Cheong, J.H.*, Xie, T.*, Byrne, S. Kenny, M., & Chang, L.J. (2023). Py-Feat: Python Facial Expression Analysis Toolbox. Affective Science. [Link] [toolbox]
*Equal contribution
Jolly, E., Farrens, M., Greenstein, N., Eisenbarth, H., Reddan, M.C., Andrew, E., Wager, T.D., & Chang, L.J. (2022). Recovering individual emotional states from sparse ratings using collaborative filtering. Affective Science. [Link] [toolbox] [data & materials]
Jolly, E. & Chang, L.J. (2021). Multivariate spatial feature selection in fMRI. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(8), 795-806. [Link]
Jolly, E. & Chang, L.J. (2021). Gossip drives vicarious learning and facilitates social connections. Current Biology, 31, 1-11. [Link] [data & materials]
Coverage: New York Times, VPR News, PNAS Journal Club
Chang, L.J., Jolly, E., Cheong, J.H., Rapuano, K., Greenstein, N., Chen, P.A., & Manning, J.R. (2021). Endogenous variation in ventromedial prefrontal cortex state dynamics during naturalistic viewing reflects affective experience. Science Advances, 7(17), 1-17. [Link] [data & materials]
Jolly, E.*, Sadhukha, S.*, & Chang, L.J. (2020). Response to Lynch et al: On measuring head motion and effects of head molds during fMRI. NeuroImage, 117484. [Link] [data & materials]
Jolly, E.*, Sadhukha, S.*, & Chang, L.J. (2020). Custom-molded headcases have limited efficacy in reducing head motion during naturalistic fMRI experiments. NeuroImage, 117207. [Link] [data & materials]
*Equal contribution
Chen, P.H.A., Jolly, E., Cheong, J.H., & Chang, L.J. (2020). Intersubject representational similarity analysis reveals individual variations in affective experience when watching erotic movies. NeuroImage, 116851. [PDF] [data & materials]
Chen, P.H.A., Cheong, J.H., Jolly, E., Elhence, H., Wager, T.D., & Chang, L.J. (2019). Socially transmitted placebo effects. Nature Human Behavior, 3, 1295-1305. [PDF] [data & materials]
Jolly, E.*, Tamir, D.I.*, Burum, B.A., & Mitchell, J.P. (2019). Wanting without enjoying: The social value of sharing experiences. PLoS One, 14(4), e0215318. [PDF] [data & materials] *Equal contribution
Jolly, E., & Chang, L.J. (2019). The Flatland Fallacy: Moving Beyond Low Dimensional Thinking. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-22. [PDF] [figure & simulation code]
Jolly, E. (2018). Pymer4: Connecting R and Python for linear mixed modeling. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(31), 862. [PDF] [documentation site]
Chang, L. J. & Jolly E. (2018). Emotions as computational signals of goal error. In A. Fox, R. Lapate, A. Shackman & R. Davidson (Eds), The Nature of Emotion (343-351). Oxford University Press. [PDF]
Cheong, J.C., Jolly, E., Sul, S., & Chang, L.J. (2017). Computational Models in Social and Affective Neuroscience in Moustafa, A. (Eds), Computational Models of Brain and Behavior (229-245). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. [Link]
Rane, S.*, Jolly, E.*, Park, A.*, Jang, H*., & Craddock, R.C. (2017). Developing predictive biomarkers using whole-brain classifiers: Application to the ABIDE I dataset. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 3:e12733. [PDF].
*Equal contribution
Moran, J.M., Jolly, E., & Mitchell, J.P. (2014). Spontaneous mentalizing predicts the fundamental attribution error. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(3), 569-576. [PDF]
Moran, J.M., Jolly, E., & Mitchell, J.P. (2012). Social-cognitive deficits in normal aging. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(16), 5553-5561. [PDF]
Jolly, E. (2011). Testing domain specificity: Conceptual knowledge of living and non-living things. The Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology, 2, 94-118. [PDF]