Source code for pymer4.stats

"""User-facing statistics functions and tests."""

__all__ = [

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
from scipy.special import expit
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr, ttest_ind, ttest_rel, ttest_1samp
from functools import partial
from pymer4.models import Lmer

from pymer4.utils import (
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

MAX_INT = np.iinfo(np.int32).max

[docs]def vif(df, has_intercept=True, exclude_intercept=True, tol=5.0, check_only=False): """ Compute variance inflation factor amongst columns of a dataframe to be used as a design matrix. Uses the same method as Matlab and R (diagonal elements) of the inverted correlation matrix. Prints a warning if any vifs are >= to tol. If check_only is true it will only return a 1 if any vifs are higher than tol. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe of design matrix output from patsy has_intercept (bool): whether the first column of the dataframe is the intercept exclude_intercept (bool): exclude intercept from computation and assumed intercept is the first column; default True tol (float): tolerance check to print warning if any vifs exceed this value check_only (bool): restrict return to a dictionary of vifs that exceed tol only rather than all; default False Returns: dict: dictionary with keys as column names and values as vifs """ if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("input needs to be a pandas dataframe") if has_intercept: if df.iloc[:, 0].sum() != df.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "has_intercept is true, but first column does not appear to be a constant" ) if exclude_intercept: corr_mat = df.iloc[:, 1:].corr() keys = np.array(df.iloc[:, 1:].columns) else: corr_mat = df.corr() keys = np.array(df.columns) try: vifs = np.diag(np.linalg.inv(corr_mat), 0) mask = np.where(vifs >= tol) if mask: high_vifs = dict(zip(keys[mask], vifs[mask])) else: high_vifs = {} if check_only: return high_vifs else: return high_vifs, dict(zip(keys, vifs)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: print("ERROR: Cannot compute vifs! Design Matrix is strictly singular.")
[docs]def discrete_inverse_logit(arr): """Apply a discretized inverse logit transform to an array of values. Useful for converting normally distributed values to binomial classes. Args: arr (np.array): 1d numpy array Returns: np.array: transformed values """ probabilities = expit(arr) out = np.random.binomial(1, probabilities) return out
[docs]def cohens_d( x, y=None, paired=False, n_boot=1000, equal_var=False, value=0, n_jobs=1, seed=None ): """ Compute Cohen's d for one or two samples (paired or independent). For paired samples Cohen's Dz is computed (ref: If x and y are not the same size this will use the same pooled SD calculation in Welch's ttest to account for unequal variances. Unequal variance calculation will almost always produce a *smaller* estimate than the standard formula, except as the variance of the group with fewer observations increases. In that case, this estimate can be *larger* than the standard formula. This can be turned off with the equal_var=True argument. Percentile boot-strapped confidence intervals can also be returned Args: x (list-like): array or list of observations from first group y (list-like): array or list of observations from second group or second set of observations from the same group; optional paired (bool): whether to treat x any y (if provided) as paired or independent n_boot (int): number of bootstrap samples to run; set to 0 to skip computing equal_var (bool): should we pool standard deviation as in Welch's t-test value (float): a value to see if the effect size is bigger than; `eff size - value` will be computed; default 0 n_jobs (int): number of parallel cores to use for bootstraping; default 1 seed (int or None): numerical seed for reproducibility of bootstrapping Returns: Multiple: - **effect_size** (*float*): cohen's d - **ci** (*np.array*): lower and upper bounds of 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals; optional """ if y is None: eff = x.mean() / x.std(ddof=1) else: if paired: # Cohen's Dz if (y is None) or (len(x) != len(y)): raise ValueError( "with paired=True, both and x and y must be provided and must have the same number of observations" ) numerator = np.subtract(x, y).mean() - value denominator = x.std(ddof=1) - y.std(ddof=1) eff = numerator / denominator else: # Cohen's D m1, s1, ss1, m2, s2, ss2 = ( x.mean(), x.var(ddof=1), x.size, y.mean(), y.var(ddof=1), y.size, ) if equal_var: pooled_sd = np.sqrt(np.mean([s1, s2])) else: pooled_sd = np.sqrt( (((ss1 - 1) * s1 + ((ss2 - 1) * s2))) / (ss1 + ss2 - 2) ) numerator = m1 - m2 - value eff = numerator / pooled_sd if n_boot: random_state = _check_random_state(seed) seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_boot) par_for = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="multiprocessing") boots = par_for( delayed(_cohens_d)(x, y, paired, equal_var, value, random_state=seeds[i]) for i in range(n_boot) ) ci_u = np.percentile(boots, 97.5, axis=0) ci_l = np.percentile(boots, 2.5, axis=0) return eff, (ci_l, ci_u) else: return eff
def _cohens_d(x, y, paired, equal_var, value, random_state): """For use in parallel cohens_d""" random_state = _check_random_state(random_state) if paired: idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(x)), size=x.size, replace=True) x, y = x[idx], y[idx] else: x = random_state.choice(x, size=x.size, replace=True) if y is not None: y = random_state.choice(y, size=y.size, replace=True) return cohens_d(x, y, 0, equal_var, value)
[docs]def perm_test( x, y=None, stat="tstat", n_perm=1000, equal_var=False, tails=2, return_dist=False, n_jobs=1, seed=None, ): """ General purpose permutation test between two samples. Can handle a wide varierty of permutation tests including ttest, paired ttest, mean diff test, cohens d, pearson r, spearman r. Args: x (list-like): array or list of observations from first group y (list-like): array or list of observations from second group stat (string): one of ['tstat', 'tstat-paired', 'mean', 'cohensd', 'pearsonr', 'spearmanr']; 'mean' will just compute permutations on the difference between the mean of x and mean of y. Useful if statistics are precomputed (e.g. x and y contain correlation values, or t-stats). n_perm (int): number of permutations; set to 0 to return parametric results equal_var (bool): should assume equal variances for tstat and cohensd tails (int): perform one or two-tailed p-value computations; default 2 return_dists (bool): return permutation distribution n_jobs (int): number of parallel cores to use for bootstraping; default 1 seed (int): for reproducing results Returns: Multiple: - **original_stat** (*float*): the original statistic - **perm_p_val** (*float*): the permuted p-value - **perm_dist** (*np.array*): array of permuted statistic; optional """ if ((y is None) or isinstance(y, (float, int))) and ( stat in ["pearsonr", "spearmanr"] ): raise ValueError("y must be provided for 'pearsonr' or 'spearmanr'") if stat == "tstat": if isinstance(y, (list, np.ndarray)): func = partial(ttest_ind, equal_var=equal_var) else: if y is None: y = 0 func = partial(ttest_1samp) multi_return = True elif stat == "tstat-paired": func = ttest_rel multi_return = True if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError("x and y must be the same length") elif stat == "mean": def func(x, y): if y is not None: if isinstance(y, (list, np.ndarray)): return x.mean() - y.mean() elif isinstance(y, (float, int)): raise NotImplementedError( "One-sample mean test with a scalar y is not currently supported" ) else: return x.mean() multi_return = False elif stat == "cohensd": func = partial(cohens_d, equal_var=equal_var, n_boot=0) multi_return = False elif stat == "pearsonr": func = pearsonr multi_return = True if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError("x and y must be the same length") elif stat == "spearmanr": func = spearmanr multi_return = True if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError("x and y must be the same length") else: raise ValueError( "stat must be in ['tstat', 'tstat-paired', 'mean', 'cohensd', 'pearsonr', 'spearmanr']" ) # Get original statistic original_stat = func(x, y) if multi_return: original_stat = original_stat[0] # Permute if n_perm == 0: return func(x, y) else: random_state = _check_random_state(seed) seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_perm) par_for = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="multiprocessing") perms = par_for( delayed(_perm_test)(x, y, stat, equal_var, random_state=seeds[i]) for i in range(n_perm) ) if multi_return: perms = [elem[0] for elem in perms] denom = float(len(perms)) + 1 if tails == 2: numer = np.sum(np.abs(perms) >= np.abs(original_stat)) + 1 elif tails == 1: if original_stat >= 0: numer = np.sum(perms >= original_stat) + 1 else: numer = np.sum(perms <= original_stat) + 1 else: raise ValueError("tails must be 1 or 2") p = numer / denom if return_dist: return original_stat, p, perms else: return original_stat, p
def _perm_test(x, y, stat, equal_var, random_state): """For use in parallel perm_test""" random_state = _check_random_state(random_state) if stat in ["pearsonr", "spearmanr"]: y = random_state.permutation(y) elif stat in ["tstat", "cohensd", "mean"]: if y is None: x = x * random_state.choice([1, -1], len(x)) elif isinstance(y, (float, int)): x -= y x = x * random_state.choice([1, -1], len(x)) else: shuffled_combined = random_state.permutation(np.hstack([x, y])) x, y = shuffled_combined[: x.size], shuffled_combined[x.size :] elif (stat == "tstat-paired") or (y is None): x = x * random_state.choice([1, -1], len(x)) return perm_test(x, y, stat, equal_var=equal_var, n_perm=0)
[docs]def boot_func( x, y=None, func=None, func_args={}, paired=False, n_boot=500, n_jobs=1, seed=None ): """ Bootstrap an arbitrary function by resampling from x and y independently or jointly. Args: x (list-like): list of values for first group y (list-like): list of values for second group; optional function (callable): function that accepts x or y paired (bool): whether to resample x and y jointly or independently n_boot (int): number of bootstrap iterations n_jobs (int): number of parallel cores; default 1 Returns: Multiple: - **original_stat** (*float*): function result with given data - **ci** (*np.array*): lower and upper bounds of 95% confidence intervals """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError("func must be a valid callable function") orig_result = func(x, y, **func_args) if n_boot: random_state = _check_random_state(seed) seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_boot) par_for = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="multiprocessing") boots = par_for( delayed(_boot_func)( x, y, func, func_args, paired, **func_args, random_state=seeds[i] ) for i in range(n_boot) ) ci_u = np.percentile(boots, 97.5, axis=0) ci_l = np.percentile(boots, 2.5, axis=0) return orig_result, (ci_l, ci_u) else: return orig_result
def _boot_func(x, y, func, func_args, paired, random_state): """For use in parallel boot_func""" random_state = _check_random_state(random_state) if paired: idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(x)), size=x.size, replace=True) x, y = x[idx], y[idx] else: x = random_state.choice(x, size=x.size, replace=True) if y is not None: y = random_state.choice(y, size=y.size, replace=True) return boot_func(x, y, func, func_args, paired=paired, n_boot=0)
[docs]def tost_equivalence( x, y, lower, upper, paired=False, equal_var=False, n_perm=1000, n_boot=5000, plot=False, seed=None, ): """ Function to perform equivalence testing using TOST: two-one-sided-tests (Lakens et al, 2018). This works by defining a lower and upper bound of an "equivalence" range for the mean difference between x and y. This is a user-defined range that one might not feel is a particularly meangingful mean difference; conceptually similar to the Bayesian "region of practical equivalence (rope)." Specifically this uses, two one-sided t-tests against and lower and upper seperately to find out whether lower < mean diff < higher. n_perm only controls the permutation for the original two-sided test. Args: x (list-like): array or list of observations from first group y (list-like): array or list of observations from second group lower (float): lower bound of equivalence region upper (float): upper bound of equivalence region equal_var (bool): should assume equal variances for t-stat and effect size calcs n_perm (int): number of times to permute groups; set to 0 to turn off n_boot (int): number of bootstrap samples for confidence intervals plot (bool): return an equivalence plot depicting where the mean difference and 95% CIs fall relative to the equivalence range return_dists (bool): optionally return the permuted distributions Returns: dict: a dictionary of TOST results """ from scipy.stats import t as t_dist import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns def _calc_stats(x, y, val, equal_var): n1, m1, v1, n2, m2, v2 = ( x.size, x.mean(), x.var(ddof=1), y.size, y.mean(), y.var(ddof=1), ) numerator = m1 - m2 - val if equal_var: # From scipy df = n1 + n2 - 2.0 svar = ((n1 - 1) * v1 + (n2 - 1) * v2) / df denom = np.sqrt(svar * (1.0 / n1 + 1.0 / n2)) else: vn1 = v1 / n1 vn2 = v2 / n2 with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): df = (vn1 + vn2) ** 2 / (vn1**2 / (n1 - 1) + vn2**2 / (n2 - 1)) denom = np.sqrt(vn1 + vn2) return numerator / denom, df # Just get df calculation from sub-function _, df = _calc_stats(x, y, 0, equal_var) tstat_orig, pval_orig = perm_test( x, y, stat="tstat", n_perm=n_perm, equal_var=equal_var, seed=seed ) tstat_lower, df = _calc_stats(x, y, lower, equal_var) tstat_upper, df = _calc_stats(x, y, upper, equal_var) mdiff = x.mean() - y.mean() # Parametric assumptions for each one-sided test pval_lower = t_dist.sf(tstat_lower, df) pval_upper = t_dist.cdf(tstat_upper, df) # Attempted one-side permutation tests, but computing p-values is non-trivial due to how signs can flip based on the equivalence range and test statistic. Revisit at some point in the future. # else: # perm_t_origs, perm_t_lowers, perm_t_uppers = [], [], [] # for i in range(n_perm): # shuffled_combined = np.random.permutation(np.hstack([x, y])) # new_x, new_y = shuffled_combined[: # x.size], shuffled_combined[x.size:] # perm_t_orig, _ = _calc_stats(new_x, new_y, 0, equal_var) # perm_t_lower, _ = _calc_stats(new_x, new_y, upper, equal_var) # perm_t_upper, _ = _calc_stats(new_x, new_y, lower, equal_var) # perm_t_origs.append(perm_t_orig) # perm_t_lowers.append(perm_t_lower) # perm_t_uppers.append(perm_t_upper) # if lower < mdiff < upper: # # upper = orange line is right of orange dist # pval_upper = np.mean(tstat_upper >= perm_t_upper) # # lower = blue line is left of blue dist # pval_lower = np.mean(tstat_lower <= perm_t_lower) # else: # # upper = prob orange line, right of blue dist # pval_upper = np.mean(tstat_upper >= perm_t_lower) # # lower = prob blue line, left of orange dist # pval_lower = np.mean(tstat_lower <= perm_t_upper) # p_orig = np.mean(np.abs(perm_t_origs) >= np.abs(tstat_orig)) # res = [] # just to be consistent with above # res.append(tstat_orig) # res.append(p_orig) result = {} result["original"] = {"m": mdiff, "t": tstat_orig, "p": pval_orig} result["lower"] = {"m": lower, "t": tstat_lower, "p": pval_lower} result["upper"] = {"m": upper, "t": tstat_upper, "p": pval_upper} # Effect size bootstrapped d, (dlb, dub) = cohens_d(x, y, n_boot=n_boot, equal_var=equal_var, seed=seed) result["cohens_d"] = {"m": d, "CI_lb": dlb, "CI_ub": dub} # Some results text for interpretation if pval_lower < 0.05 and pval_upper < 0.05: result["In_Equivalence_Range"] = True else: result["In_Equivalence_Range"] = False if pval_orig < 0.05: result["Means_Are_Different"] = True else: result["Means_Are_Different"] = False if plot: # Get mean diff m, (lb, ub) = boot_func(x, y, _mean_diff, n_boot=n_boot) _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) ax.plot(m, 0, "o", markersize=18, color="black") ax.hlines(y=0, xmin=m, xmax=ub, linestyle="-", linewidth=6) ax.hlines(y=0, xmin=lb, xmax=m, linestyle="-", linewidth=6) ax.vlines(x=lower, ymin=-1, ymax=1, linestyles="--", linewidth=2) ax.vlines(x=upper, ymin=-1, ymax=1, linestyles="--", linewidth=2) ax.vlines(x=0, ymin=-1, ymax=1, linestyles="--", linewidth=2, alpha=0.5) min_plot = np.min([lb, lower]) min_plot -= np.abs(min_plot / 2) max_plot = np.max([ub, upper]) max_plot += np.abs(max_plot / 2) _ = ax.set(xlim=(min_plot, max_plot), xlabel="Mean Difference", yticks=[]) ax.text( 0, 1, f"Equivalence bounds: [{lower} {upper}]\nMean diff: {np.round(m,3)} [{np.round(lb,3)} {np.round(ub,3)}]", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=14, ) sns.despine() return result
[docs]def welch_dof(x, y): """ Compute adjusted dof via Welch-Satterthwaite equation Args: x (np.ndarray): 1d numpy array y (np.ndarray): 1d numpy array Returns: float: degrees of freedom """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y, np.ndarray): x_numerator, x_denominator = _welch_ingredients(x) y_numerator, y_denominator = _welch_ingredients(y) return np.power(x_numerator + y_numerator, 2) / (x_denominator + y_denominator) else: raise TypeError("Both x and y must be 1d numpy arrays")
[docs]def lrt(models, refit=True): """ Compute a likelihood ratio test between two Lmer models. This produces identical results to R's anova() function when comparing models. Will automatically determine the the model order based on comparing all models to the one that has the fewest parameters. # Possible additions: # 1) Generalize function to perform LRT, or vuong test # 2) Offer nested and non-nested vuong test, as well as AIC/BIC correction # 3) Given a single model expand out to all separate term tests Args: models (list): a list of two Lmer models to be compared refit (bool): should REML models be refitted as ML before comparison (defaults to True) Returns: df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe of the anova results """ models_list = copy.deepcopy(models) if not isinstance(models_list, list): models_list = [models_list] if len(models_list) < 2: raise ValueError("Must have 2 models to perform comparison") if not all(list(map(lambda m: isinstance(m, Lmer), models_list))): raise TypeError("All models are not Lmer") # refit models if needed refitted = False if refit: for i, m in enumerate(models_list): if m._REML: refitted = True, summarize=False) models_list[i] = m # Get number of coefs for each model all_params = [] for m in models_list: all_params.append(_get_params(m)) all_params = np.array(all_params) idx = np.argsort(all_params) all_params = all_params[idx] models_list = np.array(models_list)[idx] out = pd.DataFrame() for i, m in enumerate(models_list): df = _get_params(m) - (_get_params(models_list[i - 1])) if i > 0 else np.nan chisq = ( ((-2 * models_list[i - 1].logLike) - (-2 * m.logLike)) if i > 0 else np.nan ) pval = _lrt([models_list[index] for index in [i - 1, i]]) if i > 0 else np.nan out = pd.concat( [ out, pd.DataFrame( { "model": m.formula, "npar": _get_params(m), "AIC": m.AIC, "BIC": m.BIC, "deviance": -2 * m.logLike, "log-likelihood": m.logLike, "Chisq": chisq, "Df": df, "P-val": pval, }, index=[0], ), ], ignore_index=True, ) out["Sig"] = out["P-val"].apply(lambda x: _sig_stars(x)) out = out[ [ "model", "npar", "AIC", "BIC", "log-likelihood", "deviance", "Chisq", "Df", "P-val", "Sig", ] ] if refitted: print("refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)") return out.fillna("")
[docs]def rsquared(y, res, has_constant=True): """ Compute the R^2, coefficient of determination. This statistic is a ratio of "explained variance" to "total variance" Args: y (np.ndarray): 1d array of dependent variable res (np.ndarray): 1d array of residuals has_constant (bool): whether the fitted model included a constant (intercept) Returns: float: coefficient of determination """ y_mean = y.mean() rss = np.sum(res**2) if has_constant: tss = np.sum((y - y_mean) ** 2) else: tss = np.sum(y**2) return 1 - (rss / tss)
[docs]def rsquared_adj(r, nobs, df_res, has_constant=True): """ Compute the adjusted R^2, coefficient of determination. Args: r (float): rsquared value nobs (int): number of observations the model was fit on df_res (int): degrees of freedom of the residuals (nobs - number of model params) has_constant (bool): whether the fitted model included a constant (intercept) Returns: float: adjusted coefficient of determination """ # Skip calculation if Dof is not a positive number to avoid 0 division error or calculating negative R^2 values if df_res <= 0: return np.nan if has_constant: return 1.0 - (nobs - 1) / df_res * (1.0 - r) else: return 1.0 - nobs / df_res * (1.0 - r)
[docs]def correct_pvals(ps, method="holm"): """ Provided a list of p-values return a corrected list according to specified method. You can use this list to then compare against a chosen alpha (e.g. .05). Closely follows the implementats in statsmodels.stats.multitest.multipletests Args: ps (list/np.ndarray): list of p-values method (str, optional): correction method. Default to 'holm' for holm-bonferroni step-down procedure Returns: np.ndarray: adjusted p-values """ if method == "holm-bonf": method = "holm" supported_methods = ["holm", "bonf"] if method not in supported_methods: raise ValueError(f"method must be one of {supported_methods}") pvals = np.asarray(ps) # pval * number of tests if method == "bonf": return pvals * float(len(pvals)) # sorted pval * cumulative number of tests elif method == "holm": idx = np.argsort(pvals) idx_r = np.argsort(idx) sorted_pvals = pvals[idx] corrected = sorted_pvals * np.arange(len(sorted_pvals), 0, -1) # Set maximum p-val as the same for all tests above it out = np.maximum.accumulate(corrected) return out[idx_r]