Source code for pymer4.simulate

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from pymer4.utils import isPSD, nearestPSD
from pymer4.stats import discrete_inverse_logit

__all__ = ["easy_multivariate_normal", "simulate_lm", "simulate_lmm"]

__author__ = ["Eshin Jolly"]
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs]def simulate_lm( num_obs, num_coef, coef_vals=None, corrs=None, mus=0.0, sigmas=1.0, noise_params=(0, 1), family="gaussian", seed=None, ): """ Function to quickly simulate a regression model dataset, with continuous predictors. Provided a number of observations, number of coefficients, and optionally correlations between predictors, means, and standard deviations of predictors, returns a pandas dataframe with simulated data that can be used to estimate a linear regression using Lm(). Using the family='binomial' argument can generate discrete dependent variable values for use with logistic regression. Defaults to returning standard normal (mu = 0; sigma = 1) predictors with no explicit correlations. Args: num_obs (int): number of total observations, i.e. rows of data num_coef (int): number of coefficients/regressors, i.e. columns of data coef_vals (list,optional): "true" values of coefficients to generate data. If not provided will be randomly generated. Must include a coefficient for the intercept as well (i.e. mean of data) corrs (ndarray,list,float): correlations between coefficients provided as 2d num_coef x num_coef, 1d flattend numpy array/list of length (num_features * (num_features-1)) / 2, or a float to be treated as the same correlation between all coefficients mus (float/list/ndarray): means of columns of predictors sigmas (float/list/ndarray): stds of columns of predictors noise_params (tup, optional): mean and std of noise added to simulated data family (str): distribution family for the dependent variable. Currently only 'gaussian' (continuous DV) or 'binomial' (discrete DV) are available. seed (int): seed for reproducible random number generation Returns: Multiple: - **data** (*pd.DataFrame*): dataframe organized as num_obs x num_coef - **coefs** (*np.array*): ground-truth coefficient values """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if coef_vals is not None: if len(coef_vals) - num_coef == 0: raise ValueError( "Missing one coefficient value. Did you provide a value for the intercept term?" ) else: assert ( len(coef_vals) == num_coef + 1 ), "Number of coefficient values should be num_coef + 1 (for intercept)" b = coef_vals else: b = np.random.rand(num_coef + 1) if isinstance(mus, list) or isinstance(mus, np.ndarray): assert len(mus) == len(b) - 1, "mus must match number of num_coef" if isinstance(sigmas, list) or isinstance(sigmas, np.ndarray): assert len(sigmas) == len(b) - 1, "sigmas must match number of num_coef" assert ( isinstance(noise_params, tuple) and len(noise_params) == 2 ), "noise_params should be a tuple of (mean,std)" # Generate random design matrix if corrs is not None: X = easy_multivariate_normal(num_obs, num_coef, corrs, mus, sigmas, seed) else: X = np.random.normal(mus, sigmas, size=(num_obs, num_coef)) # Add intercept X = np.column_stack([np.ones((num_obs, 1)), X]) # Generate data Y =, b) + np.random.normal(*noise_params, size=num_obs) # Apply transform if not linear model if family == "binomial": Y = discrete_inverse_logit(Y) dat = pd.DataFrame( np.column_stack([Y, X[:, 1:]]), columns=["DV"] + ["IV" + str(elem + 1) for elem in range(X.shape[1] - 1)], ) return dat, b
[docs]def simulate_lmm( num_obs, num_coef, num_grps, coef_vals=None, corrs=None, grp_sigmas=0.25, mus=0.0, sigmas=1.0, noise_params=(0, 1), family="gaussian", seed=None, ): """ Function to quickly simulate a multi-level regression model dataset, with continuous predictors. Provided a number of observations, number of coefficients, number of groups/clusters, and optionally correlations between predictors, means, and standard deviations of predictors, returns a pandas dataframe with simulated data that can be used to estimate a multi-level model using Lmer(). Using the family='binomial' argument can generate discrete dependent variable values for use with logistic multi-level models. Defaults to returning standard normal (mu = 0; sigma = 1) predictors with no explicit correlations and low variance between groups (sigma = .25). Args: num_obs (int): number of observations per cluster/stratum/group num_coef (int): number of coefficients/regressors, i.e. columns of data num_grps (int): number of cluster/stratums/groups coef_vals (list,optional): "true" values of coefficients to generate data. If not provided will be randomly generated. Must include a coefficient for the intercept as well (i.e. mean of data) corrs (ndarray,list,float): correlations between coefficients provided as 2d num_coef x num_coef, 1d flattend numpy array/list of length (num_features * (num_features-1)) / 2, or a float to be treated as the same correlation between all coefficients grp_sigmas (int or list): grp level std around population coefficient values; can be a single value in which case same std is applied around all coefficients or a list for different std; default .25 mus (float/list/ndarray): means of columns of predictors sigmas (float/list/ndarray): stds of columns of predictors noise_params (tup, optional): mean and std of noise added to each group's simulated data family (str): distribution family for the dependent variable. Currently only 'gaussian' (continuous DV) or 'binomial' (discrete DV) are available. seed (int): seed for reproducible random number generation Returns: Multiple: - **data** (*pd.DataFrame*): dataframe organized as num_obs x num_coef - **blups** (*pd.DataFrame*): ground-truth group/cluster level coefficients, organized as num_grps x num_coef (i.e. BLUPs) - **coefs** (*np.array*): ground-truth population-level coefficients """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if coef_vals: if len(coef_vals) - num_coef == -1: raise ValueError( "Missing one coefficient value. Did you provide a value for the intercept term?" ) else: assert len(coef_vals) == num_coef + 1 b = coef_vals else: b = np.random.rand(num_coef + 1) assert ( isinstance(noise_params, tuple) and len(noise_params) == 2 ), "noise_params should be a tuple of (mean,std)" assert ( isinstance(grp_sigmas, int) or isinstance(grp_sigmas, list) or isinstance(grp_sigmas, float) ), "grp_sigmas should be scalar value or list" if not isinstance(grp_sigmas, list): grp_sigmas = [grp_sigmas] * (num_coef + 1) else: assert len(grp_sigmas) == len( b ), "The length of a list of grp_sigmas must match the num_coef plus intercept!" if isinstance(mus, list) or isinstance(mus, np.ndarray): assert len(mus) == len(b) - 1, "mus must match number of num_coef" if isinstance(sigmas, list) or isinstance(sigmas, np.ndarray): assert len(sigmas) == len(b) - 1, "sigmas must match number of num_coef" # Generate group paramaters (BLUPs) blups = np.array( [np.random.normal(est, sigma, num_grps) for est, sigma in zip(b, grp_sigmas)] ).T # Generate data for grp in range(blups.shape[0]): # Create a random design matrix per group if corrs: x = easy_multivariate_normal(num_obs, num_coef, corrs, mus, sigmas, seed) else: x = np.random.normal(mus, sigmas, size=(num_obs, num_coef)) x = np.column_stack([np.ones((num_obs, 1)), x]) # Use blups to generate group data y =, blups[grp, :]) + np.random.normal(*noise_params, size=num_obs) if family == "binomial": y = discrete_inverse_logit(y) if grp == 0: x_all, y_all = x, y else: y_all = np.append(y_all, y, axis=0) x_all = np.append(x_all, x, axis=0) grp_ids = np.array([[elem] * num_obs for elem in range(1, num_grps + 1)]).ravel() data = pd.DataFrame( np.column_stack([y_all, x_all[:, 1:], grp_ids]), columns=["DV"] + ["IV" + str(elem + 1) for elem in range(x_all.shape[1] - 1)] + ["Group"], ) blups = pd.DataFrame( blups, columns=["Intercept"] + ["IV" + str(elem + 1) for elem in range(x_all.shape[1] - 1)], index=["Grp" + str(elem + 1) for elem in range(num_grps)], ) return data, blups, b
[docs]def easy_multivariate_normal( num_obs, num_features, corrs, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, seed=None, forcePSD=True, return_new_corrs=False, nit=100, ): """ Function to more easily generate multivariate normal samples provided a correlation matrix or list of correlations (upper triangle of correlation matrix) instead of a covariance matrix. Defaults to returning approximately standard normal (mu = 0; sigma = 1) variates. Unlike numpy, if the desired correlation matrix is not positive-semi-definite, will by default issue a warning and find the nearest PSD correlation matrix and generate data with this matrix. This new matrix can optionally be returned used the return_new_corrs argument. Args: num_obs (int): number of observations/samples to generate (rows) corrs (ndarray/list/float): num_features x num_features 2d array, flattend numpy array of length (num_features * (num_features-1)) / 2, or scalar for same correlation on all off-diagonals num_features (int): number of features/variables/dimensions to generate (columns) mu (float/list): mean of each feature across observations; default 0.0 sigma (float/list): sd of each feature across observations; default 1.0 forcePD (bool): whether to find and use a new correlation matrix if the requested one is not positive semi-definite; default False return_new_corrs (bool): return the nearest correlation matrix that is positive semi-definite used to generate data; default False nit (int): number of iterations to search for the nearest positive-semi-definite correlation matrix is the requested correlation matrix is not PSD; default 100 Returns: np.ndarray: 2d numpy array of correlated data organized as num_obs x num_features """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if isinstance(mu, list): assert len(mu) == num_features, "Number of means must match number of features" else: mu = [mu] * num_features if isinstance(sigma, list): assert len(sigma) == num_features, "Number of sds must match number of features" else: sigma = [sigma] * num_features if isinstance(corrs, np.ndarray) and corrs.ndim == 2: assert ( corrs.shape[0] == corrs.shape[1] and np.allclose(corrs, corrs.T) and np.allclose(np.diagonal(corrs), np.ones_like(np.diagonal(corrs))) ), "Correlation matrix must be square symmetric" elif (isinstance(corrs, np.ndarray) and corrs.ndim == 1) or isinstance(corrs, list): assert ( len(corrs) == (num_features * (num_features - 1)) / 2 ), "(num_features * (num_features - 1) / 2) correlation values are required for a flattened array or list" corrs = squareform(corrs) np.fill_diagonal(corrs, 1.0) elif isinstance(corrs, float): corrs = np.array([corrs] * int(((num_features * (num_features - 1)) / 2))) corrs = squareform(corrs) np.fill_diagonal(corrs, 1.0) else: raise ValueError( "Correlations must be num_features x num_feature, flattend numpy array/list or scalar" ) if not isPSD(corrs): if forcePSD: # Tell user their correlations are being recomputed if they didnt ask to save them as they might not realize if not return_new_corrs: print( "Correlation matrix is not positive semi-definite. Solved for new correlation matrix." ) _corrs = np.array(nearestPSD(corrs, nit)) else: raise ValueError( "Correlation matrix is not positive semi-definite. Pymer4 will not generate inaccurate multivariate data. Use the forcePD argument to automatically solve for the closest desired correlation matrix." ) else: _corrs = corrs # Rescale correlation matrix by variances, given standard deviations of features sd = np.diag(sigma) # R * Vars = R * SD * SD cov = X = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, size=num_obs) if return_new_corrs: return X, _corrs else: return X